In Spain, the Holy week is a special time because there are several celebrations related to it. The celebrations take place during the Holy Week, the last week of Lent (the week right before Easter). It is a Cristian tradition (Roman Catholic) that has still a lot of importance in some cities of Spain, specially in Andalucia (the southern part of Spain).
One of the more important traditions are the Processions, where a group of people walk with several images of the via crucis (station of the cross). Some of the people who take part of the procession wear the nazareno robe which consists of a tunic and a capirote (a hood with cone shape).
I went to the one in Tarragona, which is quite big and well organized (but it is not as big or popular as the main ones in Spain). It is quite impressive to assist to one of them, since all the penitents have a serious and meditative attitude, nobody smiles or talk, there are bands who play religious marches, it smells as in the church, and some people of the public may show their emotions when seeing the religious images.
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