Made in England: Occupy London

A couple of days ago I read on the news that the protesters encamped for months outside St. Paul's Cathedral had been evicted. Those protesters were part of the non-violent movement "Occupy London", a group that started on 15 October 2011 in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York. 

Occupy London had been camping there for four and a half months in order to "voice ideas for how we can work towards a better future", as they say in their website. The protesters weren't expecting to be evicted from the cathedral steps because the church allowed them to camp there. When police asked them to leave, some of the protesters built an improvised barricade and resisted to be evicted. The police said that 20 people were arrested

For more information about the movement Occupy London, you can visit their website 

Here you have a couple of pictures that I took of the camp in St. Paul's Cathedral on November 2011.

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